
Speaker Filter Box:
Noach - Noach, the flood, and the ten generations that preceded him Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Noach - The Tower of Bavel and the generation that became divided Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Pekudei - "Bezalel the Son of Uri the Son of Hur from the tribe of Yehudah - and the completion of the Mishkan" Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pekudei - Bracha and ayin horah (the evil eye); High profile - Low profile Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 60 min
Pekudei - Modesty and privacy Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pekudei - Physical perfection and beauty Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 83 min
Pekudei - The "Mieal" (2nd Robe) of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) atoned for loshen harah (evil tongue). Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 58 min
Pekudei - The 48 attributes necessary for the acquisition of Torah (1st of a series): An explanation of the first 10 attributes. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 62 min
Pekudei - The contribution of the heart Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Pekudei - The good eye and the evil eye - a study on the powers of the human eye Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 73 min
Pekudei - The level of serving the A-mighty with love Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 72 min
Pekudei - The Mishkan (Sanctuary) and the Torah Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 56 min
Pekudei 1981 - Untitled (VPQ - very poor audio quality) (beginning of shiur cut off) Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Pinchas - "One lamb you shall offer in the morning, the other lamb you shall offer in the afternoon." The prayers were designed and structured in accordance with these sacrifices Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 68 min
Pinchas - A Leader in Israel: The appointment of Yehoshua Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Pinchas - Korbanos Hamoadim - the national sacrifices that were brought at pre-established times Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Pinchas - Moshe to Yehoshua: The continuity and qualities of leadership Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Pinchas - Pinchas the son of Elazer the son of Aaron HaKohen Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 62 min
Pinchas - Pinchas the zealot Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 66 min
Pinchas - Pinchas' zeal and militancy and Aaron's pursuit of peace Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pinchas - Principles of leadership Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 72 min
Pinchas - Qualities of leadership - a leader in Israel Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 69 min
Pinchas - Rosh Chodesh - the New Moon Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Pinchas - The appointment of Yehoshua, the servant of Moshe Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 70 min
Pinchas - The Daughters of Tzlofchad Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 68 min